Full change list.
Change list
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Поделиться22010-09-28 16:03:10
The server has suffered minor changes compared with the ashes. Everything is done for convenience, a minimum of suffering, the availability of all battles. As the name suggests, think server resources consist of members of the clan Nordic marauders.
Here is a partial (almost all) the list of changes: (all relative to ashes)
The speed of global increased 5-fold
The number of mobs encounters now sometimes exceeds the limit, but extends it's not at all, to whom the same effect - get min +10 to max +5 in the number of
Weapon-made bot (dialogue) for the grant of equipotential depending on the level:
in hell and barter Ground. does not respond to an attack (possibly)
-Hell: hell no turrets, mutant - now there are centaurs deathclaw
-Lvl 42 cap
-Recovery rate of one = 5sec
Nick-length increased to 30 characters
Run in a battle
Skill-timeout reduced to the ridiculous (temporarily)
Replication-time player = 0
Replication-time trades reduced
-Goods at auction is updated every hour of real time
Now, instead of the dungeon armor bypass
-Off bounty hunters
Battle-timeout = 15s
-Better kritikals, of course, included
-Drugs act as a 2238 last session, the kickbacks are removed, the time has been increased approximately 1.5 times
-Guard in the barter Ground is no longer invincible, no skills to 300 etc, in short normal people are now
-Shooting in the eye, head and groin stands 2od more in other parts of the body as before - at 1od
-Wilted: 300 grams of weight consuming 1% wilted
-Experience of mobs increased by the scheme 1xx, where xx - the old amount of experience
-Added a new location "distance shot - PvP zone for 2-6 people, thanks to The Road Warrior =)
-Appeared updater
-Changes in the perk: you can take 4 action fight, 3 layfgivera, 4 mor kritikals, 3 Dodger, 3 pazfayndera, 2 times perks to increase stats
Now, when shooting sighting crit chance a little more (so as to equalize the strands and Snipe)
Bozar single-shot
-PA and Bozar in Mariposa on the 4th lvl every 2 hours. Enhanced protection
Pofiksheny-red cartridges (10mm and 5mm)
-Loot NPC anywhere where there are bots equipotential not respond to an attack, fixed, tested
Gecko-buying now, not only in attole. looking npc swimmer)) its very expensive
-New Reno with streets cleaned all the NPCs
-Added 6 types of tents, bought in barter Ground in bald
for the purchase of tents should be:
Type 1 - 10 golden gecko pelts
Type 2 - 30 skins
3 type - 10 skins and a hatchet
Type 4 - 10 of wood and a hammer and 5 zhelezyaki (thrash metal)
5 type - 20 wood hammer hatchet and 10 zhelezyaki
Type 6 - 20 of wood, hammer, ax, 20 and 10 of the piece of iron ore
-changed/increased seats spawn cars (need to put a new tent)
Gecko-in is now also possible to put the machine
Robots in the hell did not agryatsya
Fixed-Luter (but not completely)
-Ests in the BG sold the right Tent
-Corrected time-outs for the orderly and hacking
-Added property for loci hell
Now, if you have 11 or 12 power, it is not registered as at 11 deft (Cruz and frail body)
-Running the updater, port 110
in development:
-Pvp zone
Zombie Zone (zombies (ghouls) is always fun)
-Free purchase of database
System craft (most likely with skopipastim 2238)
Message from Maxim
abbreviation of the organization "A player [Abbriviatura]."
-New weapon
-Second hell between Mariposa and NKR
A normal economy and trading
-The motorcycle will be added along with a map of Arena Thunder, buying through dialogue
-Dressing skins / selection race at registration (either that or something, or start with the first and then the second entered)
-smth else